We also served as the acting shop and field repair representative for the Western Gear Company and as a manufacturing facility for Wilson Manufacturing Company based in Wichita Falls, Texas. Wilson was a manufacturer of well service rigs and mud pumps. SMC Inc. has served and currently serves as a manufacturing and repair center for Oil Well Supply, Cabot-Franks, National, Halliburton, The Western Company, B.J. Hughes, Gardner Denver and many others. We manufacture a triplex pump of 165 H.P. with parts interchangeable to the Gardner Denver model TEE and are currently developing a 500 H.P. pump with parts interchangeable to Oilwell's SA-644-5 pump. SMC has a large warehouse full of quality replacement parts for various types of equipment such as Triplex Plunger Pumps, Mud Pumps, Swivels, Drawworks and Rotaries.
We manufacture positive displacement pumps and replacement parts vital to the oil industry worldwide. We have customers that include both domestic and foreign oil companies. We also manufacture and repair a variety of products used in routine maintenance by customers with rock crushers, aggregate and commercial cement manufacturing plants.